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Career Preparation Training App for College Graduates (Mobile App)

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Portfolio 3 of Google UX Design Certificate on Coursera

Completion Date

December 2021

The Product

This app is a career preparation training app for college graduates where the app provides resources and advice in order to help graduates get better prepared for job market.


This is the real-world problem where there are students who graduate from college struggling to find their first job. One major reason is that these students do not have adequate job hunting skills and knowledge to navigate through job market.

The Goal

While this app does not guarantee job placement for recent graduates, it provides resources or advice to students that provide better chance to navigate through job market.

User Research Summary

User research is conducted where we have information on users on their pain points on job search and what are their expectations on the CareerCoach app.

Competitive Audit

Competitive audit was conducted to determine how the direct / indirect competitors would fare against our app. The findings conclude that:

  1. The direct / indirect competitors understandably offer the career help services to general job seekers. While this approach appeals to broad audience, most of services might not exist or suitable specifically for college grads.
  2. The services that direct / indirect competitors offer, while can be individually tailored, can be costly and unaffordable to college grads. This might provide this app an advantage if the service offers are either free or low cost.


Digital Wireframe & Low-Fidelity Prototype

Digital wireframe/ low-fidelity prototype of the app starts in the main page where users can track progress of the training and receive advice or resources through specific categories in the training.

See the low-fidelity prototype here.

Initial Usability Study

Usability study was conducted where the finding is organized into 2 common themes and these themes were:

  • Confusing UI Layout
  • Addition of Home page

High-fidelity Prototype Improvements

Based on the initial usability study, improvements were implemented into high-fidelity prototype, including the UI layout reorganization and addition of Home page.

See the high-fidelity prototype here.

Next Steps


We believe the app would truly provide resources for college graduates that offers the career training specifically for college graduates with low-cost advantage compared to competitors.

What we learned

What I learned that simplicity is the key in order to create an effective app and adding complexity becomes counterintuitive in a sense that it would affect navigation of app negatively.

Next Steps

  1. Add responsive designs of the mobile app
  2. Add extra features of the UI elements as well as optimize existing design layout for readability and accessibility.


Link to High-fidelity Prototype

App layout

Case Study File